New to Web-based MS

First off, awesome forum! I've already reviewed several threads and there is a lot of valuable information here. Thank you all.

I had been playing with the idea of MS for awhile now - even signed up with TrendSource a couple years ago - but except for doing some crowdsourcing apps in the last three years, I didn't have the time to continue researching MS as a serious side business.

Well, life circumstances have changed and here I am.

I registered with several companies a week ago and so far have completed 2 pizzas, 3 coffees and a funeral home shop. I have an organizational "system" with my other income making applications to keep track of mileage, payment etc, but adding some serious jobs to my list, I really appreciate the Excel spreadsheet sticky provided here in this forum.

Looking forward to being part of this valuable community and hearing about and learning from your experiences!

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Welcome! You are off to a good start.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Hi, I joined because I was hoping someone could help me with downloading SASSIE Rover as I have an Audit coming up son. I am not sure how or where to get it carom. I got an email on my PC saying I am registered and that I have confirmed but I can't find the app on my tablets or phone.
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