is this legit

how do you get paid-------------how much do you have to buy-----do you get fully reibursed


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It depends on the jobs you accept. A standard job pays $7-12, has a specified purchase requirement that is generally reimbursed and you are paid/reimbursed anywhere from 2 weeks to 3 months. It depends on the job how much you need to spend. There are low paying gas stations that only require (and reimburse for) $1 in gas plus a small purchase inside the store. There are upscale restaurant jobs that will reimburse you for up to around $200. There are leather goods shops that require you spend a bundle and do not reimburse at all because they expect you to return the product for refund. See the "New Mystery Shoppers" area for more information.
That depends 100% on you! Start signing up and continue to do so until you have enough to do...winking smiley

Shopping Bama and parts of Georgia.
I'm still learning 24/7.
And they make work available for you to request and/or qualify for. There is no guarantee of work.
shadowshopper and jobslinger work...

shadowshopper is only 4 bucks for the first month... (
jobslinger is free , for the premium side of things its free for the first month... these sites help you find shops in your area... ( also has a listing for free... and both provide a wide variety of shops... they dont pay as much as the other sites..

shopping north west PA and south west ny
I would say start with the MSPA and get certified. They are at You can also go to Their forum has many companies listed and start registering with all of them. Make sure your spell check is always on, because grammar and spelling are biggies here. Good Luck and I wish you many happy shopping days (and profitable of course! LOL).
You do not have to pay to join anything to get a list of MS companies to sign up with. This forum has an extensive list of companies that can be signed up with for just the effort of filling out their applications.

Read the different threads on the forum to get additional information on companies and posters commments. One thing a lot of us stress here is that you do not have to spend any money to find jobs or companies just effort on your part.
Don't EVER EVER EVER pay anyone to let you work. THEY are supposed to pay YOU. Legitimate companies don't ask for money for any reason. You sign up for every mystery shopping company you can find and check job boards daily. You do NOT need to give money to the MSPA to get certified, they are there for their own benefit, not for the shopper. I've shopped for a very long time now, 16 years and have learned many lessons. Just keep at it and be persistent.

Her Serene Majesty, Cettie - Goat Queen of Zoltar, Sublime Empress of Her Caprine Domain
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