
I've just begun to shop for Bestmark in the past 45 days. They are very professional and pay quickly. Money paid for shops is the highest I've seen. Are there other well-paying, reputable Mystery Shop companies anyone can recommend to me? Thanks!

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This is a very frequent question "Can someone recommend high paying companies to me?" There are several realities here:

1) Shops available in one area that pay well may not be available in other areas. Routinely my best paying shops come around local clients with few locations. One such has their farthest location about 200 miles from me and their closest location about 2 miles from me.

2) Second, many companies that have better paying work also have heavy narrative writing requirements. Some of those companies will not even work with inexperienced shoppers.

Your best bet is to get signed up with companies you know have work in your area such as the big nationwide companies (Market Force, Corporate Research, Maritz, etc.) and the companies you see have (or have recently had) jobs in your area on Jobslinger. As you continue shopping, keep adding companies, keep trying to do at least a few jobs with the companies you sign up with to build your reputation and keep plugging.
Thank you Flash. That's very helpful. I'm on-line now, signing up with Maritz! My career at AT&T included 3 different job assignments as a trainer of new trainers and facilitators, so I was able to to develop observation and documentation skills that now help me with the shops and the heavy narrative writing. I'm enjoying the work so far.
jsman where did you work for AT&T at? I started out with Westewrn Electric then AT&T and then Lucent Tech. I retired after 34 years.
Hi jsman
Welcome to the world of mystery shopping. It can be fun, especially if you like it. some people have question me on being an mystery shopper, I always say that I like it, and its fun, but it not for everyone. I am required to do a lot of walking,it require some detail wrting with some assignment, and you must be a good organizer. Again, welcome happy mystery shopping. I use phohet and regular bank institutions, eg. capilal one, chase, etc.

Jsman what is the website or how do I register for the Bestmark mystery shoppes.
If I can be of any help, I here. Someone help me become a mystery shopper, so I try to give back.
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