Hi LisaSTL,
My first shop was with Goodwin Hospitality. The MSPA website had them listed saying they had some Bowling shops in my area. Instead of signing up with the company which required a few writing samples, I simply e-mailed the point of contact and they gave me the shop within 2 hours of our first correspondence. I still ended up joining the company of course, but I was able to by-pass the red tape of being "accepted". My first shop was a $60 flat pay for going and hanging out at a bowling alley near my residence. I had to buy 1 adult beverage, 1 food item, and play at least 1 game of bowling. I was also allowed to take my friends which proved VERY helpful. I should make $20 off of this shop after spending $40 on all of the requirements. It was fun, but I am really looking forward to learning how I can make the most of a shop/ shops and generate some extra income.