we bring the mystery to shopping

sO wHaT iS THe DiffEREnCe BEtwEeN Us ANd reGuLAr evERydAy shOPpeRS???

WE PuT tHE myStERy iN tHErE....

My name is Mandy and I am just starting out as a mystery shopper! I am excited to give it a go but with that being said I am also a little reserved. Ive tried to make money online before with working from home and survey opportunities.If anyone has any advice or pointers that may help me along the way I would be very grateful for the information.

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Welcome to the forum. Visit the New Mystery Shoppers area to find a lot of posts on how to get started. Right now my recommendation would be checking your keyboard. It seems to be malfunctioningwinking smiley

Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie.
"I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone who burns the Constitution and then wraps themselves up in the flag." -Molly Ivins
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it really annoys the pig.
It made me laugh to think that Mandy, as a new member, will probably not know that is LisaSTL's signature line and will think it's additional advice. :-)
Hi Mandy!

I'm new to mystery shopping too. I just started this week and i've completed 3 shops and have 2 more lined up for this weekend. My biggest piece of advice is to...and you will see this in the new shoppers section of this forum...sign up for as many mystery shopping companies as possible! Depending on where you live, one company may not have a lot of shops in your area while another one has a ton. Some companies may only pay $5 or reimbursement only for shops, other pay $20 and up. There is a blue link at the bottom of this page with an official list of companies. Sign up with those 15 most discussed companies just to start. The more experience you have, the easier shopping will become!

Good luck!
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