
I have completed 2 successful shops. YAY! I am thinking about becoming MSPA certified. I have read a few blogs on this however nothing seems to be informative enough. Have anyone noticed an increase of jobs after becoming certified? If I do become certified will that mean I do not have to take tests for a company before they hire me? I am signing up with 2 to 4 companies a day. Im also thinking of getting into video shopping and auditing. Thoughts and suggestions please. Im also new to blogging.

God bless!

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Welcome to the forum and well done on your two successful shops! The issue of certification is brought up very regularly on the forum so instead of re-inventing the wheel I would suggest you click the link underneath your post that says 'more about certification.' You will see there has been a lot of discussion on the subject. Alternatively, you can do a search on 'mspa certification.'
Welcome. Being MSPA certified generally does not get you out of training and testing for various jobs. That training is usually very specific to an individual client and/or scenario, so would not be covered in certification by MSPC.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Hi newbie. Welcome to shopping and to the forum, and congrats on your first few shops. Just take things slow and get a bunch more shops under your belt before you get certified, that's my advise. You may find an increase of shops by becoming certified, but since you're just starting out, you'll get more shops just by signing up with as many companies as you can, and successfully doing the shops you are finding.

In a few months, once you've hit a wall and have trouble finding more shops, then you might want to investigate certification to see if it opens more doors.

Happy shopping!
Don 't pay for anything until you have signed up with at leasr 100 MSC. Then, if you are not seeing what you want, sign up for 100 more.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
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