Wow - first shop

I did my first shop on New Years day. It was fun and a nightmare at the same time. I accepted the job at about 1045 in the morning and it had to be completed by 130. It was a 30 minute drive. I downloaded all the information, filled out a profile on their site, printed the surveys and took all their tests on their site and quickly showered and dressed appropriately. Trouble started when I got in my car and entered the address in my GPS. NOT FOUND. I double checked the address and entered it again, still not found. It was now 1130. I ran back in the house and checked the address again, there were two addresses with one digit difference. I called the contact number * no one there, New Years day of course. I tried the number of the shop to get directions. All I got was a high pitched beep - like a fax number. I was on the verge of panic and almost canceled the job but thought of one more thing. I map quested the address and got a response . For some reason it wouldn't let me print. I quickly wrote the directions down - it was now 1200. I raced back to the car and had time to calm down on the 30 minute drive. All the rest was enjoyable. Lesson number one - never accept a job that won't allow you time to grt questions answered from your contact. Lesson number two, update my GPS.

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Well done and congratulations!

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
It gets easier the more you do! There are always nitches and glitches in the system but most run smooth.
Thanks. I think I need to work out my own routine and get better organized next time. Really like this.
Thank you. I've done 3 shops now and things do get easier. I am starting to venture into other areas. Haven't really earned any money because I have accepted jobs further away just to get experience. I only got $5-7 per job and some were 30 miles away. Can't afford to operate at a loss but it was well worth it for the experience. Haven't received any feedback so I assume my reports were acceptable. Not as scary as I thought it would be.
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