New Shopper

Hi - I am Judyp and this is my first venture into this field. I am a 68 year old retired female. No experience at this to date. Will read as much as possible tonight to learn all I can. Hoping to make a few hundred a month - is this realistic? Wish me luck and hope all of you luck as well. Oh, I live in South Carolina.

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Register with a whole bunch of companies (see the list of official companies below this post) and you can easily make a few hundred a month.
I started with a goal of making $400 per month on a very part time basis. By signing up with many Mystery Shopping Companies (MSCs) I was making much more than that within 4-6 months. In order to have a nice selection of shops, be sure to sign up with at least 100 MSCs (from the list below) in the first few months. It will help to write a sample narrative from a personal shopping ex[erience and save that to submit to the MSCs that require a sample narrative.

Welcome! You're among friend here.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Judy, I too am 68 and retired. I just got into this a few months ago and am making more than a few hundred. It does keep me busy, but that is the fun of it! I want to learn more.....
I am completely new, have never shopped but would like to. Can you please tell me whether I should pay to join shops, I read somewhere that I should not have to pay for joining. Also, how many companies should I join to start shopping?
I read that some jobs want you to take pictures while undercover, how do you do that?

Thank you for your answers, it is very much appreciated.
Never pay to get shops. Sign up with a bunch of companies listed below...

Shopping Bama and parts of Georgia.
I'm still learning 24/7.
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