New to Mystery Shopping

Good Day All!

I wish I could join in a lot of the discussions here but I realize I am among some very experienced people. Yes I have loads of questions but I think they will serve me better once I get my 1st few assignments. So this post is just to introduce myself and to say Hi to all of you! I live in South Carolina near the Greenville area and I'm hoping its a good amount of opportunity here. One question I do have is what do you recommend...signing up with a lot of MS companies and apply, apply & apply? How long does it take to get a reply?

Technically, I think I've only applied for one assignment. Any support on how I can get going here would of course be greatly appreciated. I'm the type of person who loves to share, so I know once I get going you will see post from me that will hopefully be instrumental to you.

Best Regards!

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Welcome to the Board! Sign up with some of the companies listed below. Pick and apply for a simple assignment to get your feet wet...

Shopping Bama and parts of Georgia.
I'm still learning 24/7.
Welcome to the forum!

Also, have a look in the 'new members' section for helpful information. Don't be afraid to ask questions.
Have fun! smiling smiley

Happily shopping Rhode Island and nearby Massachusetts and Connecticut
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