
Hello. I am new and very eager to start an exciting new career! I have been a stay at home mom for several years and want to pursue something new. I have no clue where to start and would love some advice on how to get started. Thank you in advance!

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Hi, shellybelly, welcome to the forum. Being a mystery shopper means running your own small business, working as an independent contractor for multiple mystery shopping companies. It is very time-intensive initially as you research mystery shopping and plan and set up your business. Researching and signing up for companies takes a lot of time, also. The time spent is an investment in your business. I suggest you start with the New Mystery Shopper section to get an idea of how this works.
Welcome to the forum!

This is a great place to learn and share about mystery shopping. Like suggested above the new mystery shopper section is a great place to start.

Have fun!

Happily shopping Rhode Island and nearby Massachusetts and Connecticut
Hi Everyone
I joined the blog to find out if the company I am about to shop for is legit. It is www.mysteryshoppingonlinejob.com. I am happy to find this site because I don't know how to research this company but I like that it is all online. I did sign up and got my first job that I am suppose to do in 4 days but it means providing information to places of a personal nature ie mortgage shopping. I am not going to do it until I know for sure it is legit.
Do not do the job with mysteryshoppingonlinejob.com. Do not get involved with them in any way. I answered your other post. Read my post there and get started. Best of luck to you.

Mary Davis Nowell. Based close to Fort Worth. Shopping Interstate 20 east and west, Interstate 35 north and south.
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