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No. That depends on what jobs you do ...

Shopping Bama and parts of Georgia.
I'm still learning 24/7.
missbev you're going to have to give us a bit more information. There are many mystery shopping companies and they all pay different commissions and are on different time scales. What exactly is it you want to know about pay?
sounds like I need to research more. the only information that I have is that you sign up to secretely shop in various stores and send a report back to the company that hired you about your experience. The companies that I found paid a set fee, sometimes a purchase was required (for which I may or not be reimbursed). It seemed to me that after I paid for my gasoline and made a purchase a flat fee of $15.00 was not going to be very lucrative. I am not looking to get rich....I am a retired woman who is looking to make a supplement to my social security and I need something to do. This sounded like something I could do but it sounds a little more to it than I realized. sounds like I need to study more. I'll keep watching and learning! I am glad that you are there to guide me. Thanks!
missbev, I am also retired and supplementing social security. Generally, no one shop will be lucrative. You will need to do several shops in a day to have a good day. Start off doing one shop a day, then work your way up to two a day and then three. Soon you'll be doing several shops a day. Depending on where you live, you may have to drive a good distance to keep this going. I started out taking whatever I could get, now I specialize in banks and service stations with a few odds and ends thrown into the mix. You will, of course, need to be signed up with a bunch of companies to find enough work.

Mary Davis Nowell. Based close to Fort Worth. Shopping Interstate 20 east and west, Interstate 35 north and south.
Welcome missbev,

This is a great place to learn, especially in the 'sticky' threads of the New Member Section. You have a basic understanding of how mystery shopping works. You should also be able to avoid the scams. However, you might note that reading only goes so far to determine if this is for you. Sometimes you just have to do a few shops to experience it for yourself. Are you at that point yet?

Happily shopping Rhode Island and nearby Massachusetts and Connecticut
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