TripStar99 Wrote:
. . . I'm looking for companies to work with
> that will encourages individuality and will nuture
> my talents and skills to allow growth. . .
Hi TripStar99. Welcome to the forum and I hope you find exactly what you want. A little heads up, though. The companies we work with in mystery shopping/auditing do not encourage individuality, in fact they are dead set against it. What they're looking for is someone who can and will follow guidelines to the T and provide exactly the information requested, fairly and objectively. You sound like a creative and vivacious person and this may not be right for you if you're looking to work for companies that take a personal interest in you and encourage your growth and development. Mostly they don't care, and that's not a criticism. We have contracts with them to do a specific job in a specific way. That's all they care about, and that's all I care about. It works well if you can get into it.
Mary Davis Nowell. Based close to Fort Worth. Shopping Interstate 20 east and west, Interstate 35 north and south.