Hello, I am new here!

Hello, I am new to this site. I have been mystery shopping for nearly a year. I live in South Central Pennsylvania and work in Frederick, Maryland. I shop and eat in various places from home to work. I was wondering if anyone can point me to a central job site or shopping companies that have jobs in my area. I have a few companies that I currently work for but would like to find some others. I like higher end resturants, department stores, grocery stores, retail stores and malls. I also would like to try to do some entertainment, as in movies, plays, theme parks, motels, and other various higher paying jobs. I am a female and I am 50 years young. A lot of people think that I am only 30 something. I am married with four almost adult children and a couple of dogs that we consider to be part of the family. Thanks for your help! I do appreciate it!

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Hi Sweeneysmiling smiley JobSlinger, [www.jobslinger.com], is kind of a central job site. As you've been shopping a year, you may have already tried it though. Check it out, if not. I'm glad you found this forum.
You may want to try scheduling services too, such as KSS International. They have jobs for several companies.
Jobslinger will give you ones from Sassie sites, as Mert stated. You can also find jobs here, at Volition and at the MSPA site. Servanne had good advice about the scheduling companies, too, as some companies will use outside firms exclusively, and some will use them for areas that they do not have a good database of shoppers within. Some people do not like to sign up for shops through outside schedulers, but personally I find I get a lot of shops that way. Also, use the list of MSC's here and sign up with every company you can-it is really crucial. That way you get the offers sent to you, and you can decide to apply, or not. But at least you spend less hunting time that way, after the initial form-filling. Although for some popular shops where the MSC's allow shoppers to self assign, they get taken before the notice even goes out. This happened to me this morning at about 5 am-I was on a site to check for November shops, and took 3 of the 5 of them. Later this morning I got an email telling me about all the shops (all 5 - one I was out of rotation for, one I just don't really care for so only do it for a bonus if they can't find anyone to do it.) Of course, by the time the email arrived to folks here, I had already nabbed 3/5 of them. So once you figure out who does the shops you want, it is also important to track when they post their shops, so that you can get the ones you want before someone else gets it. :-)

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/31/2009 08:59AM by dee shops.
Thanks, to all that have replied. I am signing up for a lot of the companies, but first I have signed up for the scheduling services. I do appreciate the help! If anyone has any other suggestions...keep them coming!
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