Ok...so...why isn't there a rating system on here for shopping companies?


I just started last month, got a couple of payments already and have completed 52 shops. I have added 35 companies to my search list, and can probably keep busy if I want to.

What I want to know is why there isn't a rating system for shopping companies on this forum!!!

Yes, there are plenty of reviews, but nobody is actually able to give the company a grade (like they do to us).

Is there any site that does this?

It would also be useful to have reviewers able to identify what state/region they worked in, so shoppers can see, at a glance, whether or not they should waste their time!

I think this is a sellers market, and we are buying like idiots. Us shoppers should be able to defend ourselves against bad companies more easily, and warn others. In doing this, some of the bad companies would soon find that no shoppers will work for them, once they see their ratings, and clean up their act.

I'm just saying!

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Pick a company, any company. Somebody hates them. Somebody loves them. That's the problem.

Mary Davis Nowell. Based close to Fort Worth. Shopping Interstate 20 east and west, Interstate 35 north and south.
I've actually given grades to some companies with my own rating system. Based on my grades, some companies are my favorites and I will take all of their shops I can get. Others score very low and I don't choose to shop for them. Of course, my rating system is based only on my OWN PERSONAL likes and dislikes. For every "3" that I award to a company, another shopper on our forum might award that same company a "10."

Another thought on the idea of posting "grades" for MS companies like the grades they give shoppers is that the grades given to shoppers are private. Only the shopper and the company know what grades the company has awarded the shopper for each shop. Should the companies make those grades public? Let's see ...... each company could post on an internet forum the shopper's name, date of shop performed, and the grade given. Then other companies would know whether they should waste their time with particular shoppers. If one particular company gives a shopper a low grade, perhaps other companies will refuse to use that shopper. Since each company grades differently, would that be fair to the shopper?

I'm just saying!
There is, sort of. The company reviews in the mystery shopper magazine are what you are looking for. Depending of the reviewer, there are sometimes grades like A, B, C and the like, but all are evaluations of what each company has for shoppers and what type of shopper would be a good fit.

Have a look here; [www.mysteryshoppermagazine.com]

Happily shopping Rhode Island and nearby Massachusetts and Connecticut
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