Greets from Ohio

Howdy from the middle of Ohio! I stumbled across this forum while searching for something and have been reading it for the past hour so figured I may as well sign up.

I'm about 6 years experienced in mystery shopping, MSPA Silver, and have done audits for at least two dozen different companies in the past and a half dozen or so on a regular basis, performed everything from gas stations to high end hotels.

I'm stuck working on a little island in Lake Erie called Put-in-Bay for 6 months of the year, but the other 6 I love to travel and eat and see new places, be it local to my house in Columbus or on the beautiful island of Aruba.

It's nice to see a place to share thoughts and ideas and experiences and possibly ask questions if one ever pops up in my new audits.

Cheers and hello!

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Thanks MrComputer! I'm learning a lot of interesting tidbits reading through the forums. This is a great resource!
Welcome to the forum!

Indeed it is a great resource. Have a look around and ask questions as you like. smiling smiley

Happily shopping Rhode Island and nearby Massachusetts and Connecticut
ChasBoomer welcome. There are many shops in Ohio. I live in Northeastern Ohio and keep plenty busy with shops and audits.
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