New shopper in NH

Hi everyone! I started mystery shopping just over a month ago. I've got a full time job and am doing ms for a little extra income. Live in a fairly rural part of NH, so don't have as many opportunities as some, but enough for me right now.

Been reading on this forum and have already gotten lots of useful tips and advise.

Happy Shopping!

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Welcome. As you sign up for more companies, I'm sure that you will find many more opportunities. Most here are signed up with 50-100 companies, and many are signed up with twice that number!

Enjoy and have fun.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Welcome! I am in NH too (also a Laura). Lots of work here if you are willing to travel. Mystery shopping covers about half my income.
I live in NH too, but along the seacoast and there is a lot of work here. When you say "rural" if you mean Coos County, I see really nice bonuses for shops at the end of the month.
Not quite that rural eclark3! I'm in the SW corner of the state.

Slowly adding more companies (am up to 10) as I get more comfortable.
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