New To This Forum and Mystery Shopping

I was delighted to discover that this particular forum exists for our mystery shopping community. I accepted my first assignment one year ago here in Los Angeles, CA and I consider myself a novice shopper who has much to learn still. My guess is that Los Angeles is not lacking in the number of shoppers available for assignments and as such I'm going to assume that the work is highly competative and is the primary reason that it can be so difficult to get work on a regular and consistent basis as a shopper. I look forward to the wealth of knowledge and diversity of experiences that this forum collectively posesses and I am excited to particpate in the exchanges that take place within this forum. Without a doubt these exchanges are both interesting and useful to one's work as a mystery shopper!

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I am new to this forum and new to mystery shopping. I live in Birmingham, AL and am very excited to get started as a Mystery Shopper.
Any advice, thoughts, opinions would be very much appreciated....

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