Hello--thanks for the feedback

Was researching a company online, and came to your site on about Google Page 17. It was the first negative comment I'd seen on the company, and had to do with not getting paid for work.

I was just about to move on, and not register with the company, but read the next post, which was a defense of the company by its owner. He answered why that person had not been paid. I was still doubtful, but his answer made sense.

Then your members--from their comments, long-time members, if not moderators, started attacking the owner.

What, is a small business person just supposed to let people put one-sided, anonymous postings online, without exposing the complainer's own actions that led to his not getting paid? You attacked him for doing what you yourselves were doing.

I think I'll go with the company after all. The more you put down the owner, the more vehemently he defended himself, the more I realized how stupid you all were being. Thank you for an enlightening discussion.

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Wow! Where in the world did you see this?

President of the Independent Mystery Shoppers' Coalition.
The same place he found it all the other times he brought it up.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
Looks like part of the post didn't show up, I don't see the answer.

President of the Independent Mystery Shoppers' Coalition.
I did answer the original question. Looks like the second question did not show up.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
dee shops Wrote:
> The same place he found it all the other times he
> brought it up.

This doesn't answer the question as to where, but no worries. Thanks anyway.

President of the Independent Mystery Shoppers' Coalition.
paminca. I am sure if you stay current with the posting here, you will catch on...winking smiley

Shopping Bama and parts of Georgia.
I'm still learning 24/7.
Very interesting. I know exactly which post he/she is referencing.

Frankly I think this individual, being a new member, does not care to make many friends here by calling us all "stupid".

Oddly enough, the poster almost sounds offended as though he/she himself were the person in question.

Me thinks thou dost protest too much.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/03/2009 11:21AM by modario.
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