There are a bunch of shopper who have decided to put together a conference in Las Vega because the MSPA, which in the past has sponsored Gold Shopper Conferences several times a year has decided to abandon them because they can make more money with less expense by selling people CDs to get Gold Certification.
This brings up the inevitable question: What do you want to glean from a conference?
Are you looking for a quick "how to"? Are you looking to get together with other shoppers? Are you looking for something to give you an edge shopping?
I long ago found the most interesting aspect of a possible conference for me would be getting together with people I had met and enjoyed in forum. That has somewhat been accomplished by arranging to meet up with folks when I travel. There are some local meetup groups around the country but I suspect a big issue to the sharing would be that you would be meeting up with your competitors in your area.