Thank you to Mert for writing this!
Can I change my post?
Yes! Under your post is a blue Edit button. Click on it, and you can edit and resubmit your post.
What does “Mark Forum Read” mean?
New posts, which you have not read, will be in parentheses, in red, on the home page of the forum. If, after scanning the posts you do not want to read them, click Mark Forum Read. Following that action, they will no longer show as new.
What does “Quote / Report” mean at the bottom of posts?
When replying to a specific post, your reply can be more clearly understood by using the “Quote” button, and then replying. The post you want to reply to may have been followed by numerous posts, and your reply would not be easily understood, without being preceded by the Quoted post. Note: If the post you are replying to is lengthy, and your reply is only directed to a segment of the post, you can edit out the parts of the post that are not relevant to your reply. This can make it easier for other members to read.
Why are member names in blue?
This indicates an active link. Click on a member’s name, and you will be directed to a page with three options “Send a Private Message”, “Add to my buddy list”, and “View all posts by (name)”. Additionally, other information about the member is noted.
What does “Like this post mean”?
Similar to social media, there may be occasion when you may not have anything to reply, but you would like to show that you enjoyed or agreed with the post. Clicking on “Like this post” will add your name to the post, indicating same.
What is a “Private Message”?
Exactly what it sounds like! You can send any member a Private Message (PM). Your PM will go to the member’s Private Message List. Additionally, notice of your PM will be sent to the member’s email address, alerting the member to your PM.
What is the indication of “Email me about replies to this topic”?
There is a box preceding this. If this is a thread or post of interest to you, checking the box will alert you that another member(s) has replied. You will receive an email advising you of the post.
What are the rules for posting on this forum?
The rules are stated on the forum. “Posting Guidelines: Be honest. Add a positive contribution to the community. You are responsible for all the content of your post. Do not reveal the clients of mystery shopping companies. We're in this together. And most importantly: Have fun!” Pretty simple. We want to show respect, support, and not violate any (ICA) Independent Contractor Agreement.
Can I change my name?
Please communicate with JacobJ, the forum owner, for assistance. You can send him a private message.
Can I find a prior message about a topic, mystery shopping company, client, etc.?
Absolutely! There is a helpful Search function at the top of the home page of each of our forums: Member Introductions, Mystery Shopping Discussion, Mystery Shopping Company Discussion, New Mystery Shoppers, Mystery Shopping Job Board, and General Chat. Clicking on the Search button, you can search by Message, Author, Forum, and Date.
What is Control Center?
Clicking on Control Center will show you the information about YOU, provided when you joined the forum. There are options in your Control Center, which you will see when clicking into it.