I have been shopping for 4 years now. I started on the mainland during graduate school in MD as a way to go out to eat more often. For free.
I graduated and got a job teaching digital art at the college level home in HI. It doesn't pay the bills, especially all those college loans, and it is very expensive to live in Honolulu. I started doing 30-plus shops a month to help us survive. I do anywhere from 30-70 shops a month, depending on my teaching load. This semester, I keep it close to 30, as I am teaching 4 classes.
I am married to someone working in the fish industry, and we have a 10 year old son.
I live in paradise, but we pay the economic and time price for that. However, this is our home, and for however long we can afford to stay, we will.
I am lucky in that this is a parochial area that is insular - that means some things that would be done by national msc's elsewhere are subcontracted to local ones, and local ones use the local co.'s, and I have a good track record with these firms here.
I am also lucky that I live less than 2 miles from most shops in my area, and
can pick and choose to some degree, based on the fact that HNL is NOT overpopulated with shoppers. However, our economy continues to worsen due to the lack of tourists that are the major engine of our economy, and companies are having themselves shopped less frequently, so I can only hope my luck doesn't run out too soon.
I still do lots of FD shops, even though the narratives are a PITA, as I love to eat out, and this way I can. But I do all kinds of shops that either pay well-enough, or reimburse for things I need, like groceries. I rarely do FF, though, but will if it is a walk-in only and I will be in the area doing other shops at the same time.
Okay, nuff bout me.
“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/24/2009 09:44AM by dee shops.