Hi. I live in Los Angeles County and also shop Orange County. I started MS about a year ago to test my ability to return to work following a disability that has had me in a wheelchair. Well, I can do most and it is a wonderful alternative to physical therapy. Not able yet to return to full time work.
I focus on fine dining, upscale retail, business verifications, revealed audits and banking. I find banking a bit difficult lately due to my discomfort about what has happened to the economy. I find I have a hard time pulling off the scenarios.
I'd like to hear off post from others who live in this area to share info on which shops are good to work for. It is ok to share since there is usually a limit on how frequently a MS can do a particular shop.
I am trying to find out which company does Norwegian Cruise Lines since I am taking a cruise from Chile to Los Angeles for 18 days in April.
I also am trying to find out, (again only to my e-mail at aol), the company that is now scheduling the Chevron Extra Mile Audits. I know this information cannot be shared in a forum but I think it can be shared via e-mail.
Oh, I am married, have a BA in psychology, have five grandchildren between three months and 19 years of age. Live within two blocks of the beach with an ocean view and am trying desparately to make mortgage payments. I want to try merchandising but haven't taken the leap yet. I have a silver certificate and plan to get the gold. I am looking at setting up my home as a B&B as a possible way to generate income.
I have just one gripe about MS. We get poor pay for shops that require a huge output of our own funds and get reimbursements as late as 120 days later. This hardly covers the loss income from not having the funds in an interest bearing checking account.