Hello, all. I am new to this forum, but have been a mystery shopper for several years, now. Unfortunately, many (not all) of the mystery shopping companies that hire mystery shoppers are cheap and greedy, keeping most of the profits for themselves, while we get a paltry sum, yet do all the work. Of course, I'm not surprised by this; just disgusted. Also annoyed that so many shoppers tolerate such nonsense. Said companies wouldn't continue to take advantage of us if enough shoppers banded together. How successful would mystery shopping companies be if they couldn't hire any shoopers willing to work for pennies?! One solution might be to convince prospective clients of said mystery shopping companies to not hire any such company that doesn't pay their contractors a decent, minimum standard of pay. An industry-wide trade association in connection with a federal credit union is but one of many ideas that might help to influence said prospective clients. Any other suggestions/ideas would be appreciated... Thank you
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/04/2009 08:17AM by unitechpetro.