Isecretshop and Bareint

So far I've only done 2 TY Beanie shops and neither sold them, but got paid $20 and 25, so pretty good! I signed up for Isecretshop and Bare, but they don't seem to give you much information about what you will be doing when you click on the job. Just a bunch of legal info. I need to know what is expected of me before I go haha. I know that the big box store one is scanning 1900 items, takes about 6 hours, and sometimes people can get kicked out, but I only learned that from reddit. How do you know what some of these job entail? Thanks!

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When I was starting out, I spent a lot of time on this Forum looking through old threads to get some understanding. It seemed very helpful. You can do a search and with some trial and error usually find information. It is tough starting out, but you will learn. Sometimes I just took a shop and learned from doing. Be sure and start signing up for new MSCS from the pinned list.
@bsteele wrote:

So far I've only done 2 TY Beanie shops and neither sold them, but got paid $20 and 25, so pretty good! I signed up for Isecretshop and Bare, but they don't seem to give you much information about what you will be doing when you click on the job. Just a bunch of legal info. I need to know what is expected of me before I go haha. I know that the big box store one is scanning 1900 items, takes about 6 hours, and sometimes people can get kicked out, but I only learned that from reddit. How do you know what some of these job entail? Thanks!

I hope you are doing well and having fun. Isecretshop is a platform which you can find jobs close to you from several MSPs and complete the job in app. Beginners enjoy it. Each shop gives you a different job and the requirements are usually on the assignment. I’ve done casual dining for 3 companies parking, audit scans, gym tours and more. There are a fun variety of shops. All companies but one named after a cloud that shops apartments I could recommend on that app so far.

Bare is good company to work with. They send recruiting emails make sure you have them on.
Oh my. I was considering that shop where you scan a ton of stuff at a box store. Getting kicked out would suck if you've already done a lot, but not ALL. Yikes! Is that why there's a bonus for the first day? Are they assuming its going to take more than one day?

The scanning app or procedures must be SLOW! I assumed the low end at 4 scan 1900 in 4 hours, is only 8 scans a minute. That sounded super doable to me, unless you have to enter a ton of information on each one?

I believe you may be looking at one of the clients we handle. If so, we host a detailed presentation every Tuesday that covers all these questions and more! If you're interested, just email me at, and I'll send you the link. If you're unable to join the live session, you can also watch the online presentation at your convenience. It's completely free. Hope to hear from you soon!

Nina Leyva
Business Evaluation Services
Phone: 888-300-8292
Website: []
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