Coroporate Research International

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I assume you mean Corporate rather than Coroporate (with some of the scams out there a one letter variation in a name is sometimes used, so it is not that I am criticizing your typing). Corporate Research International is discussed on many threads throughout the forum. Sometimes they are referred to as CRI or CORI or CoRI. They generally are a pretty reasonable 'first company' to sign up with because they do offer shops all over the country. Their pay scale is very low on fees, but the fees escalate during the month if nobody takes the jobs. Eventually the fees can reach levels where they are worth doing even for the pickiest of shoppers. For most clients, CORI offers training with a test at the end of it. This is done online at your convenience. The training is a good introduction for new shoppers to job performance expectations that can be carried on to work with other clients and companies. The annoying thing with CORI is that until you pass the test you can't see how much the shop is paying. But generally passing the test will allow you to view the shops for that particular client for at least a few months before you need to test again.
SA. Multiple posting of the same topic is not necessary and leads to confusion...

Shopping Bama and parts of Georgia.
I'm still learning 24/7.
I shop with CRI on occasion and can say that they are a decent company. So What that you have to do tests! Being a shopper for so long I start to get schedulers that vent to me about why people don't pay attention and read the directions, so tests are O.k. to me. Sometimes it's like a bidding war in my area to get the good dollar shops but they get taken up and someone will flake on it. Oy vey! Really, I think CRI is on a good stand with their testing ... Now if only their shops paid more!

MSPA Gold Shopper
Based in SW WA
Shopping Seattle, WA to Medford, OR
Southern CA and Western MT
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