First Shop Mistake/ My Bad

I did my first shop on Saturday at a car dealership. I asked a the required questions, but I cannot remember the answer to one very important one on the feedback survey. What do I do in this case?

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Aso, what happens if my first shop is they terminate me?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/02/2011 01:48AM by Jabriel.
My guess is that you are flustered and just drawing a blank. My usual when that happens is to go take a shower and wash my hair. For some reason that relaxes enough that it comes back as an 'aha!'. Playing through the shop in your mind may help. What came before and after the answer may help. An incomplete shop in most cases will not submit. Are there any choices or options for the answer or is it free form? If you look over the instructions again for that part, does it jog your memory?

Rarely have I heard of a shopper terminated because their first shop was rejected. If you fail to report the shop, that is a different issue. So do try to at least submit the report. If you absolutely cannot come up with the missing information before the deadline for submission, acknowledge that you asked but have forgotten the response and offer to get back to them by email when you remember it.
Thanks Flash. I did come up with the answer the next day. The report wasn't due yet, so I got lucky. I remembered the conversation expicitly on waking up...specifically the answer she gave me, as I repeated it back to her for some reason. I think I was trying to reinforce it in my mind. Thanks for your comments and tips on remembering.
I'm glad it worked out for you! It is, unfortunately, not at all uncommon to pull up the report and go blank. Similarly, it is not at all uncommon to hit "Submit" and suddenly remember something you were going to put in the report. It does get better over time as each report becomes important but not unknown territory and as super critical to your reputation with the company.
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