Application questions

Getting started I am trying to join the recommended sites to get as many assignments as possible. I have encountered a very frustrating happening on several sites. I have completed all the the application information and finally get to the submission button and there is no confirmation number in the box to copy. I have tried to contact the affiliate and have not gotten any response at this time. Has this happened to anyone else? If so, is there a solution?

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That's ok sneakers. It must have been a rough weekend. winking smiley

But back to the question. Usually, you get an immediate confirmation email after you submit an application, but sometimes you don't get the email for several days-a week or more.

Independent Scheduler

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/12/2008 06:49PM by JoanG.
I have seen only a few sign ups that have a confirmation of any sort. Those have generally indicated that this is the first step in a multi step process and the next step is likely to email, fax or mail them materials that once approved and the moon is full you will get a link to another website for further nonsense. Whenever a simple sign up gets turned into a Scavenger Hunt, I find something else to do with my life. Interestingly, without going through all the rigamarole I have had some of these companies months later approve me as a shopper out of the blue because they had shops in my area to be done.

You will also find companies that you fill out the application and they will just directly that they will review your application if/when they have something in your area. I have had those suddenly approve me a year or so later, again out of the blue, because they have work and need shoppers in my area.
1--You both get a D in reading comprehension. You've already chased away all the newbies from last week. I've been rereading Spanky's question, and neither of you read it correctly. S/he's missing something DURING the submission of the application, not after. Possibly those distorted alphanumeric characters that show that you're not a machine?

Spanky, which sites are these? What browser are you using?

2--Duh, what should I do while I'm waiting for my email confirmations? yawning smiley

3--Thanks, Jacob, remember I had said I didn't feel us moving?

4--Joan, the total number of your posts is alarmingly low. You have to stop fooling around with those MSFreedom people and spend more time here, other than pointing out all my gaffs. I come here for entertainment and enlightenment after doing my reports.
I'm bad. I read it as missing a confirmation # after submitting the app.

PS-MSF is my pair of warm, fuzzy bunny slippers.

Independent Scheduler

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/14/2008 01:58PM by JoanG.
Flash misread it too.

Joan, you sent me a Happy Candy Day on MSF, too. Does it mean something specific, or is it just amusing? And how do you 2 put the graphics in here? We have no HTML.
We're gifted with the magic touch

Nothing special-I just like candy

Independent Scheduler

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/14/2008 10:20PM by JoanG.
No, I really wanted too know how you insert them. Just right-clicked. You're importing them from
Thanks Sneakers, you are absolutely right on both. I am a new shopper and the problem is with the distorted alphaneumeric code. The two that I've tried on numerous occasions are jobslinger and trsfieldforce. I've tried contacting them directly but they also seem to think I have a problem logging in. I wish I could get that far... My browser is Explorer version 6. I must also say I am using Vista which has a lot of quirks. Anything you can suggest would be gratefully appreciated. I am at the point that before I fill in any of the applications I check to see if the code is present. Thanks again. Spanky (female)
Check to see if you're mistaking the letter O for the number 0, or an I for a 1.
I think on Jobslinger you can change the code to a different one by refreshing the page, then log in again. This isn't really a confirmation. It's security against a computer logging in as a person.

Vista has more than a lot of quirks. When you get totally sickened by it, read the article on Microsoft's site about reverting back.
Thanks, but I'm at fault for not explaining better. It's not a question of putting in the wrong numbers or lettes,the code box has NO info in it. It is completely blank. Thanks again and especially for the advice on Vista.
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