I am trying to submit my report for BBB shop done earlier today. Why won't it do anything when I hit submit? My first one, don't know what to expect, don't want to close it out, don't know want to do. Customer service will answer me in 24 to 48 hours. ANY suggestions????

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I don't know who has the BBB shop, but generally when I have a shop that stalls out, I open the the website again in another window without closing out of my first window. Frequently I can continue the shopper from there. If this is a SASSIE shop, try saving it before you open the new window. In any event, do not log out of the web site on me any window before you get it submitted.

All narrative I would do a copy and paste into a word document just in case you cannot salvage the job. An
This would be Prophet (right)....can you save it and re-submit later?

Live consciously....
too late! Started over. I think its the date. It wants 00/00/0000 but it only allows me to bring up the calendar and then choose a date. Which I did but it is not in the format above. And the amount of purchase is still in red, not sure how they want that inputted either. My stress level is rising, and might give it up. I simply do no know what to do.
they also say they have a way to catch "dishonesty" so I am wondering. I did another one for another comp, and when I submitted, nothing, white screen, dead, nada, no message, no thank you. But something told, "check your email." did, got an email, "we received your submission, or something similar." Thought maybe this is what happened with this one. So, very confusing. Learning the ropes, though. Thanks for your help and suggestions.
If you selected the date on the calendar and it automatically filled in, that should suffice and satisfy the form. The purchase amount should probably be in the form of 23.19 or 3.19 with no $ sign. If this is with the Prophet system, at the end when you submit it should check your form and highlight any areas that are a problem. Once it is accepted you should get a confirmation number that is best recorded in your record somewhere.
Ok, I checked the date and the amount entered. But once I hit submit, nothing. It doesn't even highlight any mistakes, like it did before I corrected them. It just sits there. nothing.
Can you save your work? If this is a Prophet or SASSIE website you should be able to. If it is Prophet, I wondered if you have somehow or another turned off your pop ups. If you can save it, going in with a different browser and see if that will work. So if you have been trying to use Internet Explorer, try Firefox. If you had been using Firefox, try Internet Explorer. Otherwise I don't know what to suggest.
Here is where the advice to start with one of the "three" companies that pay relatively "low" is looking like really good advice right now. Thanks Flash!
I'm glad you were able to save. Hopefully when they get back to you they will be able to guide you through finishing this submission. Or they may be able to just snag it themselves. Sorry it has been such a trial.
I sure hope so, considering I have two more coming up! Yikes! I have completed now since joying earlier this month maybe, 20 shops, different companies. This never happened before! I now know it can, and I need to know what to do about it.
You have done what you can do. You have your request in to the company for help. With the report saved as far as you could get with it, it is obviously not neglect on your part. How they respond to this will give you a good sense of overall merit of the company to work with in the future. It may be a systems problem on their part, it may be something unclear in the report itself, or it may be some incompatibility with your computers. For now just take a deep breath and wait for them to get back to you.
Sometimes on some shops you hit save then go back to the assignment page and there is a submit button there and that will get it sent. Also if you get a confirmation number write it on someting from your shop so if you need it you will be able to find it.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/27/2011 03:55PM by plbell627.
Thanks everyone for the feedback and help. Got a call from comp and walked through some ideas. What I ultimately did was updated IE, turned off the pop up blocker and went back for smooth sailing report input. WooHoo was I one happy shopper! That confirmation # looked so good. Now I can approach the next two with confidence of success. Thanks again.
Excellent! You may also want to download and install Firefox. It is available from Most of the company websites will work with it. It is just one more backup plan for you.
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