Payment Vouchers?

I just read this and I'm curious if I am missing something important, I was under the impression these MSC automatically pay us when it is scheduled to pay. So far, I have been paid automatically from about 50% of the shops I've completed, the other 50%...enough time has not gone by yet...

However, when I read this "They cut checks 30 business days after the payment vouchers have been received."...I'm wondering what this is about? Also, do all the MSC's pay automatically or do we have to invoice some? I saw a spreadsheet somewhere that had a column about invoicing.


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Yes, there are several companies that do require you to actually send in an invoice before they will pay you. And.. som of them have a limit where they say that they will not accept them if they are past the deadline for getting them in. I have never run across one that called them "Payment vouchers" though.
There are some companies that have invoices as part of their website. The Market Force blue portal, for example, has a 'CPI', which recently became submittable electronically rather than having to print, scan and upload after signing. Mintel's 'invoice' you submit on line after completing the report. ICCDS requires an invoice be submitted for payment, sometimes faxed or emailed and sometimes snail mailed. Harland Clarke has invoices that must be fax or email submitted. I'm sure there are others, though I don't remember them all. Overall the industry is moving away from shoppers submitting invoices, but there are still a few that require them, so you need to watch your shop instructions. At least most of them these days allow submission in some form other than US Mail, so that is progress.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/19/2011 05:02PM by Flash.
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