What is a video shop?

I assume it has to do with using a video camera, but I would like more details.


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They come in a variety of flavors but the basic idea is that you go in, usually on a real estate shop of some type, to talk with a salesperson. You are wired with a small video camera and are responsible for making sure that the agent you are talking with is on camera the majority of the time. Pay on these is usually better than with the normal mystery shop. Here is why I have avoided them:

1) The equipment is usually sent to you and you are responsible for its receipt, set up, use, repackaging and return. That is not too bad if you get a piece of equipment in good working order. I believe they pay shipping both ways. Any problems with the equipment are presumed to be your problems.
2) The shops are usually "target" shops where you are to interact with a specific person. You may be given their work schedule or you may need to call them and set up an appointment. Many shoppers have learned that these shops are performed often enough that their "target" sees them coming and will deliberately not be present at an appointment time. This means that many repeat visits may be necessary.
3) If you are setting up an appointment you are generally required to give good contact information so that the "target" can contact you to change the appointment if necessary. Several shoppers have had annoying follow up phone calls about whether they have decided yet to take the unit or not. Even worse is several shoppers have had ugly phone calls from "targets" who performed poorly and blame their problems on the shopper--and they have the shopper's phone number because it is not difficult to figure out who you showed a 2BR apartment to on Thursday afternoon last week when the shop was done.
4) Then there are the MSPs themselves that do these shops. Many shoppers have had difficulty with EPMS when they asked for suggestions on how the situation they are facing should be handled. "Just do it" is not helpful, especially when you are subsequently penalized on your pay because you were not able to get whatever information was that you called them about because you were having problems. My understanding is that Video Eyes is much more helpful in helping you with shop snags.

Guess that was more than you wanted to know smiling smiley Perhaps some folks who have successfully performed these shops can give an up side because it is a shop I won't touch because of the down side.
Dear Flash: Actually, it wasn't more than I wanted to know. Everything is new to me and everything I learn is helpful.....whether or not it is a positive report.
A year or so ago I did the certifying video for one of them but chose not to follow up on it. They needed clothing size because they apparently send you a big floppy long sleeve shirt that the camera can "hide" under and if I recall correctly a button on the shirt was the lens of the camera. I live in Florida where perhaps 4 or 5 times a year I wear a long sleeve shirt. I had visions of a shop done on a 90 degree day. I would wander in to do the video shop in a shirt that the target recognized from previous shopper visits. I thought it would be very cute if the target stooped a little bit and waved at the button camera.

I find that as a shopper there are shops I don't take because the risk of being detected is way to high. If you are identified, you may not be paid for the current shop and you will probably not be allowed to do shops for that client in the future (if you wanted to). Some stores are shopped so much that it has become a game with the employees to "spot the shopper". There have been rumors of stores where there is a little in-house bonus for any employee who correctly spots a shopper. If it means that the store provides excellent customer service, the client should be delighted, but for shoppers it becomes a nightmare.

I also find that there are shops I will not do because the shop revolves around the associate's name. You don't get the name, you don't get paid for your work. While getting the name is important, being unable to get it using the time tested ploys should not result in the shopper being stiffed. If the client wants the name, require that associates wear name tags. Of course this doesn't always work either as smarty employees switch up name tags, so I have seen guys with a name tag of "Betsy" and girls with "Thad". So I just avoid the shops where payment hinges on one item such as that.
It's so funny that the button of the shirt is a lens. smiling smiley smiling smiley Reminds me of "Get Smart." Some stores are just shopped TOO MUCH, like those ice cream stores that I do once a week, and the staff is usually the same. The same store always has a dirty floor, and the other two are always immaculate, the same staff is friendly and the other one sour.

Are video cameras always hidden so conspicuously? Some MSP's do ONLY video shops. They must have some success or they would be out of business. Do they ever get hidden in handbag with a little hole?
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