Feedback+ and emails from them

I have tried to sign up with Feedback Plus and I can't get past the message to
"set computer to accept emails from" I don't have them blocked but do not know a way to accept emails from them. Can anybody help?

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Who are you using as your email provider? If you are using AOL or in some cases Yahoo mail, you may find that you receive no emails from them because your email provider has identified communication from that site as 'junk mail'. Check your junk mail and see if there are any emails from companies and mark them as not junk. I was never aware that you had to change any settings to complete a signup with a company. I do, after registration, check my junk mail if I haven't seen an acceptance in my in box fairly promptly. I use gmail so the stuff at least makes it through to my junk mail.
Looking at their sign-up process, the first page is The Shopper Pledge. Part of that page deals with accepting email from FP and requires that you sign "I Agree" in the box at the bottom of the page. The next page states to set your spam filter to accept email from them, and also contains the ICA. On this page, typing "I agree", and matching upper case/lower case exactly is required.

I can't get past that point, because next you list your email address which to verify that you're not already on file.

Have you gotten past this point in their process? I use Yahoo and adding an address to my contacts keeps it from going to Spam. However, even if something does go to Spam, I can still see it and if desired, can mark it as "Not Spam". It then gets delivered to my Inbox.
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