I like to check out all the posts because I don't want to miss anything. It takes seconds to scan a thread, and as long as I don't respond the time is insignificant. My comprehension of Informa's post is that it was an enthusiastic and encouraging response to pmilner07's first post. If I had made that first post and got that response from any company, I would have felt so very much appreciated and valued. To me, it's simply wonderful they responded to a new shopper reaching out. I'm pleased to learn there is no rule against companies posting on the various threads, as I like to get their input and opinions as well as those of shoppers. Pmilner07 reached out, and they answered. To quote our guidelines, "We're in this together."
Mary Davis Nowell. Based close to Fort Worth. Shopping Interstate 20 east and west, Interstate 35 north and south.