Newbie Question :0


Would someone please tell me what NARMS is? I keep seeing it referred to on websites, but with no explanation as to what it is.


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NARMS is the professional association of merchandisers, if I recall correctly. Merchandising is in some ways akin to mystery shopping in that it is generally independent contractor work. In most general terms, you are going into a location to restock merchandise, put together the new display or similar tasks. Sometimes jobs such as this show up with mystery shopping companies. Many shoppers do both mystery shops and merchandising. An advantage/disadvantage of merchandising is that generally you will need to go to the location on a routine and regular basis to remove old merchandise and restock with new merchandise. It is not covert work, as you will be signing in on the store's vendor log and may need to interact with staff and/or management to get materials from the storage room to set up the display. Some merchandising companies have you as a part time employee and do withholding, some you are a pure independent contractor. Some pay mileage, some pay by the hour instead of by the job. The website is the gateway to merchandising.
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