IMHO, in "normal" business correspondence, exclamation marks are definitely not common, but they are used sparingly. I do not consider correspondence from Shop schedulers, assessors, etc. to be "normal" business correspondence. Schedulers often employ hype to try to convince people to read their emails and to accept shops. Guidelines and surveys often violate common grammatical rules, exclamation marks included.
@Kph100 wrote:
This is a genuine question. Is the use of exclamation marks a common thing in USA ?
Having moved to USA from UK a few years ago, the use of exclamation marks is very rare in English correspondence and used to highlight unusual things, i.e. an exclamation
I ask this because in normal correspondence from Shop assessors its used in almost every reply.
Is it just assessors who use it weirdly ?
Shopping Southeast Pennsylvania, Delaware above the canal, and South Jersey since 2008