New to the game!

I've signed up with A Closer Look and Premier Shoppers. Any other suggestions on reputable companies to apply to? I'm sure I'll have many more questions to follow once I start digging into this smiling smiley. Thanks in advance!


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Welcome to the Board! Maritz and Trendsource are good ones...

Shopping Bama and parts of Georgia.
I'm still learning 24/7.
memichaels Wrote:
> I've signed up with A Closer Look and Premier
> Shoppers. Any other suggestions on reputable
> companies to apply to? I'm sure I'll have many
> more questions to follow once I start digging into
> this smiling smiley. Thanks in advance!
> Mary

Check at the bottom of this page and youwill see an official list of mystery shopping companies also has agood list as well. Happy hunting and Good Luck.

What do we do with the stuff we purchase? And how does this actually work? Any information would be greatly appreciated. I am not doing this yet but received a cashiers check in the mail. Looking for answers to see if this is what I want to do? Do they have us purchase certain things? Or do we have a specific items per store. How far is the traveling time? Is there time limits on what needs to be purchased. I understand the evaluation part of it.

Thank you
Beware of the cashier's check in the mail! That is most certainly a scam. Do not even attempt to deposit or cash it as it will bounce. Legitimate companies do not send you money BEFORE you have performed shops. Scams want you to cash the bogus check and wire transfer money to them. When the check bounces you will discover you wired away your own money as you will need to make good on the money received from the bogus check.

Read through this section of the forum, starting with the Nuts and Bolts thread, for an idea of how the real mystery shopping works.

In real mystery shopping you generally make small purchases, for which you will be reimbursed if the shop is accepted, in order to get a receipt to prove you were at the right place at the right time. The items are yours to keep. There are some shops for which you are not reimbursed for your purchase because as part of the shop you are to return the item. There are shops that require larger cash outlays, such as restaurant shops, where there may be little or no fee, only reimbursement.
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