How do you do a audit I have never done one do you get instuckion?

Can anyone help me understand on doing a audit.Call me at 803-494-7816 or 803-847-2810. Thank you Alberta Smith

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Hi Alberta! Generally there will be enough general information in the description of an audit assignment to get some idea of what is involved. Once you accept the job, there will be much more complete details. And generally once you have accepted the job, if you have questions, it is best to contact the scheduler you will be doing the job for or the company if no specific scheduler seems to be involved.

Audits range from jobs most of us would consider more a normal evaluation of the store and service, to counting items in various categories, to identifying every brand and size and price available in a location. They can be revealed or secret. They can require photographs or not. It all depends on the job.
Hi, Alberta. In addition to what Flash said, I just wanted to gently suggest that you edit your post to remove your phone numbers. Just in general, it's not the best thing to do in a public forum.

Good luck with your audit!
Please don't let your audit be --- counting Easter candy by brand name. or sale versus regular prices. smiling smiley smiling smiley
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