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It is a registry created by the same folks who sell the SASSIE software to MSPs that purports to help identify shoppers as Independent Contractors. There has been a fair amount of discussion about it on this and other shopper forums. Even though it is free it is not something I personally have decided merits my time or sharing my information. SASSIE is not a mystery shop provider but simply sells services to those companies that do and some scheduling companies that schedule for companies that do. This appears to be just one more 'service' they have for sale.
I am with IC PRO and love it. I signed up on Jobslinger. This is a good site because you can put a lot of companies under one umbrella.

To sign up it asks for SSN and other personal info. Is it safe to put in the info for that? Not trying to be paranoid but I like to know where I'm putting my SSN. I saw IC PRO on Jobslinger too. They also have something about Jobslinger Plus but it requires a fee.
My personal reaction is that I have no financial dealings with the provider of the SASSIE software and therefore they have no need for my SSN. They are attempting to produce a saleable product by having my personal data and I see no future or benefit to me in that.

There are a number of things you will be asked to do in this business and it always seems to be because "somebody else" is requiring it. You need to make your own, sound decisions about how much invasion you plan to allow in order to pick up a few bucks here and there. One company in their ICA wants you to cover THEIR attorney costs should they be sued pursuant to your work. One company wants you to purchase a criminal background check. One company is saying you just need to undergo a criminal background check to do a bank shop. One company wants you to do drug testing and a criminal background check to go into the store and do audits. Other companies want you to do shops that require a credit check (and your credit score starts dropping like a rock when you have too many 'hits' to it in a year). So what is your privacy or your credit worth to you?
Run like hell.

Her Serene Majesty, Cettie - Goat Queen of Zoltar, Sublime Empress of Her Caprine Domain
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