A Useful, Free Tool

I was reading a lot lately about shops that require giving out your cell number, and then having to endure call after call until they finally give up on you. I thought I should share what I do. This is not spam, and I do not work for google. I have had a gmail address since they first launched, and it has served me well. Recently, Google bought a company called Grand Central, and now offer anyone with a gmail account to get a free online phone number. This number can be set to ring to several different phones, or none at all. Mine forwards to my cell phone. The best thing is that you have the option to block callers. Once I start getting calls, I can go in and block the number so that the receive a message that my number has been disconnected. It also digitally records your voicemails and some other cool stuff.

I use it in mystery shopping when I have to give a working number, as it is a real number that is mine. I just have the ability to shut it off, block people, or have it in "do not disturb" mode without affecting my real cell.

Hope this helps someone. I've been using it for a couple of years. I don't know why I didn't think to offer this advice before.

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Thanks for the reminder! Yes, I have used it for several years but with minimal success. Indeed it does send a message to my email whenever a voice mail is sent. I had hoped that it would offer good transcription for notes called in from the road but found it was not at all accurate. But it is an option for a phone number that can be left in SOME circumstances. I backed off from a shop recently because the phone number the client was to use was number I had registered with the MSP. Heck, I even use *67 for outgoing phone shops to keep my phone number private!
Good reminder FLash. *67 is a Mystery Shoppers Friend. I do a lot of cell phone shops, and they always want a number to follow up. My google number is great because they get a polite voicemail, and I get to enjoy the silence of my phone not ringing.
There's also a site called K7 that you can get a number from and the calls will come to your email. I have used that for other things but haven't needed it yet for MS.
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