Not Sure Its Worth It

I am new and very wary of the shop jobs I have seen so far. I have not actually done any yet. I have done some applications and some training. Then I see the fees for jobs at $5-7. This is for a short shop, BUT, what about the prep time, gas and post shop reporting/uploading pix and such? Seems to me that a 15 minute shop for $5 ends up paying you about $2 for an hour's work. And that's before taxes.


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Many folks find it is NOT worthwhile. There are many mystery shoppers who only do a few jobs before they throw in the towel, most have thrown in the towel by 6 months. But there are a handful of us for whom this "clicks" and is a nice source of additional income. Very very few folks try to do this as a full time income because if you want to work that hard you might as well take a full time job that has benefits.

My guess is that at "$5-7" after going through training you are looking at CORI. While I am in no way justifying the pittance they pay for jobs, I do believe they have value because they do offer training that gives you some idea of the expectations for their jobs which can also be generalized to work with other companies. For that part of the experience and for the fact that they have jobs available in just about every corner of the country, they are worthwhile. If you ignore the pay aspect, a CORI job will give you a sense very quickly of whether you are comfortable doing mystery shops.

Recommendations to new shoppers to look at Shop 'N Check or CORI or Gapbuster or Service Intelligence or Trendsource is not being mean but rather suggesting that shoppers check companies that are likely to have shops in their area and likely to have shops that offer some reasonable training and instructions. These are also reasonable places to "get your feet wet" because once you find the companies that are smaller with fewer jobs but clients in your area and better pay, you are less likely to be looking for jobs at the "big" companies except as "fillers" or when they get bonused. There is also the aspect that if you screw up on a $4 job with these guys it is no great loss. Similarly, if that screw up gets you terminated as a shopper, that too is no great loss. If you screw up on a job where you laid out $60 expecting it to be reimbursed and they don't accept the job or reimburse you, that is a problem. Similarly, if you screw up with a small company that offers $20-30 jobs and they terminate you as a shopper, that is a problem.
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It is only "worth it" if you "love it", it is a job that you do for yourself. If you need steady income, get a real job with benefits. This would be for college kids,free food or retiree's like me, handicap or people that can't tolerate a full time job. that want to shop, eat out, bring your guy or girl for nice lunches and dinners, and a few hundred a month is o.k. That is the long term. Short term would be, do a few jobs, check it out, see if it's for you, and you will know. Don't invest too much time or money. It is not difficult, but more involved than anyone thinks, and very time consuming Having said all that, I don't think I'll ever stop, but have cut back.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/26/2008 02:42PM by shop 4 u.
It is certainly most worthwhile for the kind of occasional things like shop 4 u mentions but it also has been a valuable tool for those who are either trying to dig themselves out of a financial hole (unexpected home or vehicle expenses, medical "surprises", lack of credit card restraint at the holidays) or who have a specific purpose in mind (daughter's wedding, trip to Hawaii, holiday extravagance) that they want to work towards aside from their regular paycheck. Those kind of purposes help keep shopping in perspective--there is a reason to do it and put up with it and once the goal is achieved there is a reason to stop it if you aren't enjoying it.
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Flash...we are in agreement. How's you sweetie, I hope recouping well. Going to see my daughter in Chicago the 8th...she was in an auto accident and I need to check up. You can take the child away from her mother, but you can never keep the mother away from her this case my "child" is 35.
My "childs" will be 35 in another month (twins). Sweetie is still in beaucoup pain and systematically drugged so he feels semi-human. It will be a while before he is whole again, but there is a better chance now that he has found an on line chat group of folks who have had similar surgery, some of whom admit to having screwed themselves up by doing too much too soon.
You have to learn any trade; but once you do, this can be very lucrative.

You don't have to do many shops in a week at $50 a pop to make a difference in your finances, and they are out there, for the experienced shopper.

Most of us shop for a reason; because we love it or because the flexibility suits our life style needs. Everyday isn't a good day, but many are. And I'll bet the burnout rate is high.

It is all what you make it.


Wannabe scheduler/editor
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Believe it or not, of course it is another way to make income. How you perceive it is what it will be. You can have a goal to do it for extra, make so much more a month, or whatever you decide. It is there for the taking. We are all our own bosses, and I think we all agree, that's the hold it has over us. Any profession has it's up side and down. I have been in more stressful situations than mystery shopping...I'm glad I found it.
I love msing. I do have a full time job but enjoy the perks of groceries, gas, restaurant visits, etc. I also enjoy writing so writing reports is okay with me.
It is not just about the money as it would take a lot of shops to make a lot of money but it does provide a few extra bucks and goods that I normally would be buying out of my own pocket. So I will stick with it as long as it is enjoyable for me. When I retire in a couple of years from the post office, I will pursue more shops.
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We agree to agree.....I am retired, and do about 8 to 10 shops a week. When I take a couple days off, I miss it, and can't wait to get online and see what came in. March has been slow, looking forward to April and the new jobs it brings. Counting what I save on food alone, I win.....going to see my only daughter in Chicago, and lined up a job for a great dinner house, I am proud to be able to take her, it's been fun...except for the tax thing.....but, that too shall pass.
and don't you just love picking and choosing WHAT you do? That is the best part of msing..........course, you have to check it out at first to find WHAT you like and not like.........
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I LOVE picking and choosing, and it has taught me alot about myself and my likes and dislikes. I have a passion for gourmet Iron Chef and Food Network all the time. Want to be a food critic and always wanted my own business, and this is a great way to do it. I even like the research involved in these companies. Can't believe how much computer time I give this outside of doing reports. keeps me out of trouble, and I don't spend nearly what I used to at Macy's....hardly ever shop for myself me, that's a good thing.
I've been Msing about three years now. I have a full time job also, but do as many "jobs" as I can fit into my schedule. I have said may times that I love this and enjoy it. My hubby asked me one night what I enjoyed about it so much and I honestly couldn't tell him, but now I've decided that I enjoy the competition of apply for jobs as much as anything. I live in Dallas TX and the area must be OVER saturated with shoppers and there are very few shops that get to a bonus status.

I've told him and others that when this get to be work for me,I'll probally quit. (Although I DO like the extra money!!!)
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Feel the same way...if I take 3 jobs in a day..I get overwhelmed and it stops being, I just don't do more than 3, I actually do a couple jobs about 5 days a week. Have my first pretzel place in the mall...should be delicious. I think it is addicting, just can't stop looking for jobs, like you say, that's half the fun.
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Hey dont forget the insurance coverage you pay on your car. That part where the insurance company wants to know "do you use your vehicle for work?" How far?
Yes the internet service, cost of paper,(not cheap) ink(way less cheaper),time to fill out long and tiedeous reports. Its like what the heck do they expect for your time in the store, gas costs to and from and then some of these shops out of pocket. Oh dont forget the ones that want you to do the upgrade employee reward of $10.00 out of your pocket. Dang how many of these can a person afford? Plus the cost of your food. And they pay what? $7.00 plus reimbursement.
I feel that some one is making the real money and honey it aint the shoppers. But hey if were lame enough to allow it, theyre smart enough to exploit us.
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