Mine too. But there was no mention about mailing in anything. Maybe they would have if I did the job. Hate when they do not tell you everything up front. Seems like you have to apply for the shop, then ALL the little perks that you really do not want to do or understand, you are stuck. Had one email today that would not tell me anything, just the location and pay. Logged in, and no explanation of anything. Good bye to them. Even sent a email, and no response. Now that I'm thinking about it, maybe some shoppers signed up to do the shop, Med. and when they saw what was envolved they cancelled. Who Knows!! Just applied for a shop for an in home shop, and I was under the impression I would be paid for the shop,but no, I have to pay out of my pocket, then they will pay me after the shop is done. SOOOOO much involved. And if I mess up (which has never happened, yet) I do not get paid, so I will be out of the money. Hate to cancell, but I can not sweat this one out. Would not even see pay for 2 months if done correctly. Hey, it's X'mas. I need money, do not need to spend for the MSC.