money mystery shopping

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I want to know that can you actually make money mystery shopping? The ones I have seen advertised request people to pay money - which I am Leary of. Does anyone know of reputable companies.


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Read a bit through the forum. Yes, we are all getting paid for doing shops and no, you do not need to pay a cent. The companies that find you will charge for referral services or certifications or are outright scams. And one of the 'sticky' threads above suggests companies that make sense to start with because they have shops in most locations, do a fairly decent job of training/instructions and pay like clockwork. Try a few jobs with them and if you like doing shops, then you are ready to sign up with other legitimate companies, some of which are better than others and some of which have higher paying jobs than others and many of which may not have work in your area just now. It is a bit of a grind to go through and sign up with everyone, so try the ones suggested in "A Game Plan For Beginning Signing Up For Shops" above.
Anyone else have an answer to that last question? I to, am wondering about the pay/rate-of-pay? I have jumped from forum to forum and getting a lot of controversy in most answers!(ithinkthatmadesence)
showmedamoney, the rate of pay range is broad and varies widely. Shop fees start from $1 and go up from there. Different MSPs, different shops, different fees. Reputable companies are listed on this forum, as well as other places. There's a list here under Mystery Shopping Company Discussion. The first thread has a Sticky where you'll find reputable companies.
Normal is anywhere from $7.00 a shop to up to 20.00...that's the norm, but there are lower paying ones and higher paying ones, this business is not a science, so, hard to pin point it. Do the shops you enjoy and don't worry about the money, learning is the payoff while starting out, then you'll get higher paying jobs, they will come to you.

Live consciously....
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