do not understamd

I received an email from someonem(will not reveal name) telling me he was my contact w/Mystery Shoppers and I would be receiving a $500 check and all info for my assignments, etc.

Having no Idea where he got my info I have emailed him several times with ?'s before fillong out personal information.

This had been over a wk. and no reply, so am I correct in believing it is a scam?, and how can you know who is honest and who is a scam. I would really like to be a Shopper but this has made me very leary.

Thanks, fulltimer

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SCAM! Be glad he has not answered you. If you get a check, DON'T CASH IT. Legitimate MSPs do not contact you without you signing up, agreeing to their rules, and providing SS# and personal data. And $500 screams SCAM.
SCAM...always remember, no one that is legit sends you money before a job is done. Do not cash the check.

Live consciously....
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