jobs in rural areas

Good afternoon, I was wondering if there is a way to see who hires Mystery Shoppers in my area? I live in NW Oregon and 15 miles from the Washington Border

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You need to register and go on their job board where there is a pulldown telling which locations have jobs....we all live in different states, so, wouldn't be familiar with yours. Many of the larger companies are in several places. I'm in L.A. so can't help in a specific way.

Live consciously.... is a free sign up that allows you to put in your zip code and search by radius from your zip. It can show some companies that have advertised shops recently that you may want to sign up with. Mostly the jobs will be with companies using the SASSIE reporting system, though Jobslinger also pulls posts from the website and the MSPA website. Though the jobs you see posted are likely to be taken already, it will at least let you know what companies to sign up with.
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