Getting Started with Mystery Shopping---HELP

Would really like to try and make this business work for me...Can anyone help get me started ??cause I'm really confused,. Would like to start mystery shopping soon, but need to be steered in the right direction..

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Just start by reading all of the topics "pinned" to the top of the list in the New Mystery shoppers area of the forum.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Sign up with companies and check to see whats in your area....jump in, the waters fine. Good luck!!

Live consciously....
Feel free to ask questions... I would suggest signing up with iSS (i Secret Shop) first. It will hook you up with a variety of pretty basic shops with a number of different companies with a minimum amount of "signing up."

The process itself is easy:
* Sign up with a company.
* Find their "job board" and apply for a shop, using their brief descriptions as a guide.
* Get notified that you have been accepted for the shop.
* Confirm (if needed for that site) that you still want the shop.
* Read the guidelines - making note of any "evidence" you need to collect.
* Perform the shop according to the guidelines.
* Fill out the survey about that shop online.
* Watch your email for follow up questions.
* Get paid. (Pay periods are different for every company.)

If you are looking for particular types of shops, you can get hints in this forum. However, nobody can divulge which shopping company serves which client. (We can tell you companies that have pizza shops, but we cannot tell you which company specifically has Domino's.)

Hard work builds character and homework is good for your soul.
I started with ISS in 2003 and that's all I did for many years before I added others. Only in the past year have I expanded to making this a real gig by adding over 200 MSC's. The funny part is that now I rarely shop ISS anymore.

Just don't start off too fast, you are bound to miss details that way. Watch out for companies that you read about in the forum to see who is good to work with or does not pay on time. Set up an organizational system for scheduling and tracking jobs, that is very important.

Good luck!
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