Had to cancel shop would like input

I'm pretty new at this but I have successfully done about a dozen shops. Here's the situation. I was trying to plan multiple shops for the same day in a town about 45 miles away. I had one that in the preliminary paperwork stated I was to call in to a call center and be connected to someone with whom I would make an appointment for the walk in part of this visit. I accepted the shop but when I downloaded the paperwork the scenario was quite different. According to the paperwork I was not to call in advance or make an appointment but to simply walk in during business hours. The problem was, according to the paperwork the person I needed to see may or may not be there or could not see me. If that were the case I would need to make an appointment for another day to see this person.
This would not have been a big deal if perhaps I lived down the street from the business but it defiantly wasn't worth a 90 mile round trip for the fee being paid and it was clearly stated they wouldn't pay for 2 trips.
They did significantly alter the terms of the shop after the assignment had been accepted and I don't think that was right. But of course I don't want to get blackballed by this company as most of the jobs I taken from them have been fine.
What do you think?

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When in doubt, check with your scheduler. Contradictions between different sets of instructions are (unfortunately) not that unusual. It could be a mistake, or that something was updated, but not across the board. It's impossible to know what's correct without communicating, unless there's a date provided on the materials.

IF you find that the correct scenario is the one you can't do, there's a possibility that they might be able to adjust it, especially if it's in a hard-to-fill location. In any event, I'd definitely investigate further, before deciding to cancel outright.
Definitely a 'contact your scheduler' situation. It may well be that the most current version is what was posted. If you explain exactly as you have explained it here, then it is quite reasonable why you are reluctant to take a chance on showing up unannounced. I accepted a new-to-me shop the other day that as soon as I saw the actual instructions I was emailing the scheduler. One of my questions was what I hoped for, the other not what I hoped for. I figure it will work so I did not cancel the job. But it is important to cancel quickly if you must so that they have as much time as possible to get the work reposted and accepted by another shopper. Be aware that especially independent schedulers work 7 days a week, so it makes sense to start the contact ASAP and they may even get back with you tomorrow.
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