

You're correct, used

They had positions as follows:
Visit a car dealer for various things.
Take dog to vet.for an exam.

Said they needed the SSn so I'd get paid & for income tax purposes.

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That means you actually applied to jobs at MSC sites, or you are getting scammed. Jobslinger DOES NOT ask for your SSN. MSC's do.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
Yes, Jobslinger can connect you to the MSP's sign up page when you open a job, but it would be obvious to you that you have moved away from Jobslinger to a company website. At that site you would be filling out a normal application with name, address, phone contacts, gender, height, weight, ssn etc. to become a registered shopper WITH THAT COMPANY to perform work. The work would be paid for by the company, not Jobslinger, and thus Jobslinger would never need your ssn for tax or any other purposes.
JS has a new webpage. Now when you sign in one needs to conect the dots, circles or squares. What is up with that?

One can access the same jobs/Shops by going to MPSA and clicking on North American ====>Shopping assignments, and put in an image code. with zip code. and they don't care who you are.

Same process, application and information. I really don't like a job site to be complicated. It is just a web site with information. If they don't want to share, then get off the Web.
I suspect this is an attempt to make sure a real human is logging in instead of an automated program. This would make it harder for pay-to-shop sites to copy and resell the JobSlinger listings.
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