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Hi, rochelle, welcome to the forum. This is a forum by shoppers for shoppers. There's plenty of good information available here. There are some very experienced shoppers who have been very generous with their experience and information. I love this forum and have learned a lot. Look over the posts under New Mystery Shoppers and you will get a good basis for how to do everything. To apply for mystery shopping jobs, you need to go to the website of the different mystery shopping companies and put in an application. Then you will be able to search their job boards and apply for jobs in your area. Read everything you can on this site and it will give you an idea of how it works. There is a list of mystery shopping companies here also. I suggest you apply with as many as you can.
Rochelle, many companies pay by Paypal. Is that what you are asking? If it is, the basic link is paypal.com and follow through the sign up instructions they have. You will need to decide whether you want to have money transfer on from Paypal to a bank account (and will need to provide the routing number and account number you will be transferring the money to) or whether you want to use a Paypal debit card to access your money (and there are fees, I believe, for that, but you will need to read what is involved).
I suggesting setting up a paypal account (it's free). You need to give the email you will be using for your jobs. The companies you register with will also need same email address. Set up account with paypal, money you earn goes directly into your paypal account. You will get an email from company when paid, it is deposited into your paypal account, and from there you transfer it to your Bank account.

Live consciously....
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