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Well, the jobs are all as independent contractors. If you have applied with one or more companies, it is up to you to go to their job boards on their websites and assign work to yourself or request jobs. If the jobs are self assign, once you accept it you are obligated to do it within the time frame specified in the job. If you request a job and they award it to you, the obligation is the same. Theoretically you could go to their website right now and if there is a job in your area for tomorrow that you can self assign, you could be working tomorrow. Make sure you read the instructions thoroughly so you know what you need to be looking for, asking about and what proof of visit you will need. Also look and see when they expect the job reported by (most companies it is within 12 hours of exiting the store location, but this does vary from company to company).
Most of the jobs I do allow 24 hours to report, but other than that, my feedback would be the same as the feedback Flash gave here. I am personally thankful that I have 24 hours for most...I dislike reporting narrative shops without time to put down and then review my words. For me, I work better with that distance from a shop before having to submit it.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
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