
I don't understand why MSCs are "you must check your email twice a day!" But yet, when I need them, it's like pulling teeth to get a response. I understand it's the weekend, but our work continues and I would like to think someone somewhere checks their email. Their success depends on our success - so why cut off the shoppers completely? I so badly need advice from my scheduler for this shop and I emailed yesterday and still no response. So do I do the shop anyway or wait for the scheduler which would be past the time frame I could do it?

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Indeed some companies and some schedulers are much more responsive than others. Did you try a phone number?
If you name the MSC (but NOT the client) some forum members may be able to help you better. Some schedulers are actual employees of the company and work in a physical office Monday thru Friday. Other schedulers are ICs just like us and for that reason, they can pretty much decide what days/hours to work (unless the MSC puts "rules" on it) just like us. Many schedulers have families or social obligations or part-time jobs on the weekends just like many MS'ers do.
@schylarsok wrote:

One was not available. I had to go through sassie.
What do you mean that you "had to go through sassie?" Do you mean that you found a phone number for the company of Sassie and you called them?
I suspect they used the 'contact' on their job board. I have very rarely had any luck doing that.

Schylarsok, quite often the scheduler's information and phone number are in the original panel of the job description, usually close to the bottom, on SASSIE format companies.
Or alt you can post the client and not the MS company and perhaps we can help you. (Feel free to PM)
@.Andy2 wrote:

Or alt you can post the client and not the MS company and perhaps we can help you. (Feel free to PM)
Since the OP was complaining about certain policies from MSCs, it would not make sense to get the name of the client. The clients have their own rules and set of guidelines. This is more of a MSC policy issue.

And what do you mean by PM? If you are insinuating that it is okay to reveal the names of MSCs and their clients in PMs instead of the forum, you are wrong.
I'm not comfortable naming the MSC or the Client. Not only because it's against the rules, but also because it wouldn't be right.
I may get dinged on this shop anyway. It is to far away form me to not get some clarification before I start it. I don't see a point if I wouldn't get paid anyway.
@schylarsok wrote:

I'm not comfortable naming the MSC or the Client. Not only because it's against the rules, but also because it wouldn't be right.
I may get dinged on this shop anyway. It is to far away form me to not get some clarification before I start it. I don't see a point if I wouldn't get paid anyway.

There is no reason to name a MSC or client if it makes you uncomfortable. However, it is NOT against the rules to name EITHER the MSC OR the client. It is merely against the rules to name BOTH of them.
OP, I agree with AM that it is your choice if you don't want to name the MSC, It is NOT against our ICAs or the forum rules to name EITHER the MSC OR the client . You asked for specific help from forum members bur we can not help you without more info. If you told us what MSC, at least we can tell if if their schedulers work in an actual office Monday thru Friday. It gets frustrating for those who would like to help but then can't get basic answers to simple questions.
I haven't worked for them in years. I believe they are a M - F operation. OP, did you email shopper support? Or just your scheduler?

Shoppers’ View
5716 West River DR NE
Belmont, MI 49306
Phone: 800.264.5677
Fax: 616.301.3285

Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm EST

Have questions? E-mail us at
Hi, schylarsok. I'm sorry that you were having difficulty contacting one of our schedulers. We are a Monday through Friday operation. However, we often have schedulers that are here after hours and on the weekends. The building does close at 9:00 pm EST, so you won't be able to reach us after that. But, please leave us a voicemail if you cannot reach us.

If you are not able to reach your scheduler directly, I encourage you to email; this gets forwarded to all of the schedulers, so if someone is here, we will answer. Also, you can call 800-264-5677. If someone is in the building, we will answer.

You're totally right that our success depends on your success. We do want to be here for you.

Administrative Manager for Shoppers' View
p: 800.264.5677 | e: | w:
Thank you for your reply. I have copied it and put it in my notes. I still enjoy working for you!
You're welcome! I'm sorry I didn't see it sooner. I hope you were able to get your issue sorted out. smiling smiley

Administrative Manager for Shoppers' View
p: 800.264.5677 | e: | w:
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