Most reputable MSCs will not let you accept a shop they don't think you can perform acceptably. With that in mind, if Buckalew assigns you the shop without having done previous hospitality shops for them or others, I would expect that they believe their guidelines are adequate to allow you to get the job done correctly. Of course there is always a risk with any reimbursement shop that it might be rejected, but Buckalew is not a company I have heard complaints about.
If you are assigned the shop, immediately go through the guidelines making notes especially for anything you have questions about. Ask those questions soon after you are awarded the shop so that if it is something you don't think you can handle, you can cancel with them with plenty of time for them to award the shop to someone else.
Hotel shops generally have lots of moving pieces. The more upscale the hotel, the more moving pieces. Do not anticipate that you will have time to do anything more while at the hotel than make observations and write them up. If it turns out you do get a little free time, consider it a bonus.
I have never had the opportunity of doing a shop for Buckalew because they don't have anything in my area, but as I mentioned, they are not a company I have heard many complaints about.